Sunday, December 22, 2019
Swot Analysis Burger King - 1234 Words
NAME: Karim Mohammed Khalaf ID: 1351510255 Ø ¨Ã˜ ³Ã™â€¦ Ø §Ã™â€žÃ™â€žÃ™â€¡ Ø §Ã™â€žÃ˜ ±Ã˜ منØ §Ã™â€žÃ˜ ±Ã˜ يم PART 1 (10 points) In about 300 – 400 words, write an essay analyzing the below case study using the SWOT framework. 1-STRENGTH: Although, it reported higher revenues in 2002 than did Burger King. the company as a whole generated $2.73 billion in revenues in 2002 , up 14.2 percent from the previous year with headquarter in Dublin , Ohio , the corporation operated over 9,000 restaurants in 33 countries worldwide . 1-STRENGTH: Several; unique features were embedded with both pitfalls and advantages The company’s super value menu was definitely one of its strongest asset. 2- WEAKNESSES: Wendy’s also offered several unique products such as Frost’s and Spicy Chicken Sandwich, as well as many healthy alternatives like salads, baked potatoes and even chili. 2-WEAKNESSES: There is a one weak point in Wendy’s business plan is that there was the lack of an easily recognizable product comparable to McDonald’s Big Mac or Burger King’s Whopper. 3-OPPURTUNITIES: Wendy’s, early on sought to distinguish itself in a rapidly growing industry by providing its customers with a unique fast-food experience 3- OPPURTUNITIES: Stated that the company planned to increasingly use acquisitions of smaller brands and joint ventures as the primary driver of future growth. In selecting potential acquisition targets. 4-THREATS: Burger King’s menu also offered a few items that set it apart from other fast-foodShow MoreRelatedswot analysis of burger king1845 Words  | 8 PagesSWOT Analysis Overview Strengths:†¢ Strong market position -BKC is the worlds second-largest FFHR chain as measured by the total number of restaurants and system-wide sales.†¢ Greater franchise mix -As a result of its higher franchise mix, the company is able to grow with minimal capital expenditure and is assured of regular income in the form of fees and royalties.†¢ Robust financial performance -Revenues and Income have consistently grown providing a platform for Global Brand Equity.ï‚ §future growthRead MoreBurger King/Tim Hortons SWOT analysis982 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ SWOT Analysis for Burger King Tim Horton’s Burger King-Tim Horton’s Internal Factor Evaluation Strengths Weight Rating Weighted Score Tim Hortons revenue 0.08 4 0.32 Tim Hortons same-store sales growth 0.09 4 0.36 Tim Hortons market shares in Canada (70% baked goods, 75% coffee) 0.09 4 0.36 Burger King size 0.05 3 0.15 Tim Hortons brand image 0.09 4 0.36 Burger Kings brand recognition 0.04 3 0.12 Tim Hortons healthier options 0.07 3 0.21 Burger Kings tax savings of 8.5% (moving headquartersRead MoreSwot Analysis: Mcdonalds vs. Burger King2969 Words  | 12 PagesSwot Analysis McDonalds vs. Burger King Organizational Diagnosis by Fastalk Consultants In diagnosing the McDonalds organization, the first issue we will examine is their company goals. McDonalds has a goal of one hundred percent total customer satisfaction. However, they do realize that this goal is not always attainable. Therefore, if for any reason they do not meet that goal, they will do whatever it takes to correct their mistake. McDonalds has a second company goal that sets themRead MoreSwot Analysis of Mcdonalds vs. Burger King1445 Words  | 6 Pageswould be the ones to sell it. But now, two years shy of Kroc s benchmark for the far-off future, that goal seems less assured than ever. Forget for a moment all the recent talk about Burger King Corp. and Wendy s International Inc. stealing customers from McDonald s. With a 42% share of the U.S. fast-food burger market, McDonald s still easily outpaces its rivals. Nonetheless, the problems under the famous Golden Arches are far more serious than a failed Arch Deluxe here or a french-fry war thereRead MoreCompany Analysis On Burger King1549 Words  | 7 PagesMondal Instructor Name: Jay Fisher Date: 02/10/2014 Assignment: Company Analysis on â€Å"Burger King†Introduction: Burger King is a worldwide American chain of fast food restaurants, starting from Miami, Florida. The organization was established in 1953 by David Edgerton and James Mclamore and as of now works in excess of 13,000 outlets in 79 nations. The organization menu has transitioned from their customary burger, fries and pop to a more extensive assortment. Pretty nearly 90% ofRead MoreBurger King Case Study1437 Words  | 6 PagesPrin. Of Marketing Burger King Case Study In the fast food world the market for the consumer’s dollars is as cutthroat as in any market out there. So far McDonald’s and its golden arches have reined supreme, leaving the leftovers for the likes of Wendy’s and Burger King. After several years of steadily declining profits, and upset franchisees, Burger King decided it was time for a change, both in its approach towards it marketing structure to the way it built and supplied new locations. WithRead MoreBurger King Assignment3472 Words  | 14 PagesIntroduction: James Lamore and David Edgerton in the year 1954, marked the beginning of Burger King restaurant in Miami, Florida which is widely known as Burger King Holdings, Inc. today ( Over a period of time, Burger King became the household name in fast food industry and has bagged the second position in the fast food industry across the globe in the year 2010. Burger King expanded its operation to 12,300 locations in 76 countries catering to over 11 million customersRead MoreThe Fast Food Restaurant Market1002 Words  | 5 Pagesswitching costs, as mentioned before, are low; thus making it easier for the consumers to switch between McDonalds and Burger king without suffering a substantial loss. There is a high performance-to-cost ratio. However, McDonalds has special menus depending on which country they are working in, so that is a positive factor on McDonalds favor. For example, in Mexico they have a special burger with â€Å"jalapeà ±o†taste, w hile in Germany might have a â€Å"bockwurst†special. Since McDonalds introduces local flavorsRead MoreCompetitor And Financial Analysis : Burger King Essay964 Words  | 4 PagesCompetitor Financial Analysis Burger King has similar strengths and weaknesses as McDonald’s, but where Burger King falls short is in its â€Å"concentrated operations in terms of geographic presence and dependence on selected distributors†(Burger King Worldwide 4). McDonald’s has a much larger operation that is not dependent upon a smaller chain of distributors like Burger King. Burger King is also threatened by the â€Å"competition from well-established foodservice companies†(Burger King Worldwide 4) likeRead MoreCase 6 Burger King: Selling Whoppers in Japan1289 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Case 6 Burger King: Selling Whoppers in Japan Submitted by: Dolly Estrellado Nelma Mae Mameloco Charlene Sorongon BSBA 3-A Submitted to: Miss Cherry Ganancial I. Point of View: Our point of view regarding this case is that Burger King can also find a better growth opportunity in Japan by its new marketing strategy. II. Problem Statement: a. Burger king failed to effectively target the cost conscious consumer and instead promoted its premium burgers
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